Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Big Day For LIbby Lu

Today Little Miss Libby Lu went to Kindergarten Round -up and she did great!  She wore a cute little outfit supporting a shirt that said, I love Kindergarten!  I'll post a pic as soon as I get the pics transferred onto the computer.  Anyway, before we went the teacher in me took over.  I made her practice writing her first and last name, with a capital and lower case letters, draw a picture of herself making sure all the parts were there, and write as many words as she knew.  When I asked her what they did she said, "I didn't do any of the stuff you made me do mom!  We just talked, listened to a story, made a mouse and played.  It was FUN!"    I guess I'm not fun and I need to let up a little!  The Tiger Mom in me took over.  

The thought of sending Libby off to Kindergarten makes me want Ty to get here all the more.  I can't believe how fast time goes, it feels like Lib was born just yesterday and now she's turing 5!  We are missing Tyler's whole first year of his life :(    Come on Korea, speed up this process!!!!

It has been a rough few weeks.  We lost Chris' mom's husband Brian this past week and my grandmother passed this week.  It makes you realize how precious and fragile life is.  We will miss both of them and are sad that they never got the chance to meet Tyler.  My grandmother always gave each of her great-grandchildren a little teddy bear.  The bear had to have sewn eyes, not eyes that the child could choke on.  She had one bear left in her closet and she made it clear before she passed that it was for Tyler!  That is one special teddy bear for one special little guy!